Agriculture Degree Program in China - Agricultural Resources and Environment

1. Introduction

Agricultural Resources and Environment is the general name of various elements that can meet the needs of agricultural production in nature, and it is the important material basis for the existence and development of agricultural production. Agricultural resources are the general name of agricultural natural resources and agricultural economic resources. Natural environment factors, such as land resources, water resources, climate resources and biological resources, which can be used in agricultural natural resources, such as land resources, water resources, climate resources and biological resources. Agricultural economic resources is to directly or indirectly on agricultural production to play the role of social and economic factors and social production, like the agricultural population and labor force to quantity and quality, agricultural technology and equipment, including transportation, communication, culture, education and health of agricultural infrastructure. The agricultural environment is the sum of all the elements in the environment, which is the main body of the agricultural production. Mainly including farmland, forest, grassland, irrigation water, air, light, heat and fertilizer applied to the field (including fertilizer), pesticides and agricultural machinery and so on.

2. Basic Characteristics of Agricultural Natural Resources

Integrity, regional, dynamic balance, renewable and reproducibility, limited amount and unlimited potential

3. Dynamic Detection of Agricultural Resources

Dynamic detection of agricultural resources refers to the location and timing examination of the dynamic changes of the quantity, quality and time and space distribution of agricultural resources. The contents of the dynamic detection of agricultural resources generally include three aspects: agricultural natural resources, agricultural social economic resources and agricultural ecological environment.

4. Evaluation of Agricultural Resources

Evaluation of agricultural resources is based on the needs of agricultural development and social and economic activities, and comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the quality, suitability, economic value, development and utilization of agricultural resources. The investigation of agricultural resources is the basis of evaluation.

The basic principles of evaluation of agricultural resources are: the principle of giving play to resource advantage; the principle of eco economic balance and sustainable utilization of resources; the principle of system analysis, comprehensive evaluation

5. Protection of Agricultural Resources

Protection of agricultural resources refers to using legal, economic, administrative and scientific and technological means to coordinate the relationship between development of rural economy and agricultural natural resources utilization, to implement supervision and management to the behaviors of destruction and abuse of agricultural natural resources. Agricultural natural resources can be divided into three categories: non renewable resources, renewable resources, inexhaustible resources. The protection of agricultural resources mainly include: protection of land resources, protection of grassland resources, protection of forest resources, protection of wildlife resources, protection of wild plant resources, protection of mineral resources, etc.

6. Agricultural Environmental Pollution

Agricultural environmental pollution is mainly manifested in: industrial, urban and township enterprises pollution; agricultural chemical material pollution; pollution of livestock and poultry manure.

7. Agricultural Environmental Protection

Agricultural environmental protection is the use of legal, economic, technical means, so that the quality of agricultural environmental and ecological status can maintain a good state, to prevent pollution and ecological damage. Agricultural environment is an important part of the overall environment, including land, forest, grassland, water resources, air, etc., with a wide range, the overall, regional characteristics, is the basic material conditions of agriculture.

8. Agricultural Environmental Monitoring

Agricultural environmental monitoring refers to discontinuously or continuously examining the concentration of pollutants in the agricultural environment, observe and analyze the influence of the change of agricultural environment.

9. Training Objectives

The program trains senior scientific and technical personnel with the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills in agricultural resources and environment, can be employed in agriculture, land, environmental protection, agricultural departments or units engaged in agricultural resources management and utilization, agricultural environmental protection, ecological agriculture, resources remote sensing and information technology teaching, scientific research, management.

10. Training Requirements

The students mainly study the basic theory and basic knowledge of management and utilization of agricultural resources, agricultural environmental protection, ecological agriculture, resources and information technology, receive basic training in agricultural resources investigation and planning, soil fertility and plant nutrition and fertilization technology, environmental monitoring and evaluation, ecological benefit analysis, meteorological observation and computer technology, with the basic ability of agricultural resource efficient and sustainable utilization, information management of agricultural resources and environment.

11. Knowledge and Ability

1) Have solid theoretical knowledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry and so on.

2) Master the basic theory of agricultural resources and environmental science

3) Master the basic knowledge of management and utilization of agricultural resources, agricultural environmental protection, soil improvement, ecological agriculture and other aspects;

4) Master methods and technology in agricultural resources investigation, environment quality evaluation, chemical and instrumental analysis, plant nutrition research methods, scientific fertilization and scientific irrigation, agricultural comprehensive utilization of renewable resources, land planning and mapping, resource information management;

5) With the awareness and basic knowledge of agricultural sustainable development, to understand the scientific frontier and development trend of the resources and the environment;

6) Familiar with the management and use of resources, environmental protection of the relevant principles, policies and regulations;

7) Master the basic methods of literature retrieval, data query, with certain scientific research and practical work ability;

8) Strong ability of research and decision-making, organization and management, oral and written expression, the basic ability of independent access to knowledge, information processing and innovation.

12. Main Subjects

Agricultural resource utilization, environmental science and engineering, biology

13. Main Courses

Soil science, plant nutrition, land resources, resources remote sensing and information technology, agricultural environment, agricultural meteorology, ecology, soil and water conservation science

14. Major Practical Teaching

Teaching practice, production practice, curriculum design, graduation thesis (graduation design), research and training, production labor, social practice, the general arrangement is 25-30 weeks.

15. Major Professional Experiments

Soil and agricultural chemical analysis, research methods of plant nutrition, environmental quality analysis and monitoring, soil survey and mapping, geology and geomorphology, surveying and mapping, meteorological observation

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