Engineering Degree Program in China - Electrical and Computer Engineering

1. Introduction

Electrical and Computer Engineering is the integration of software design and hardware design, and combined with major of power electronics. Electronic and computer engineering trains senior engineering and technical personnel with the basic knowledge and application ability of modern electronic, automatic control, electrical engineering and computer technology. These personnel can be engaged in the work of development of modern electronic system design, process control, software and hardware development of intelligent equipment, and power electronic system design.

2. Training Requirements

The students mainly study the basic theory and knowledge of electricity and computer technology. They receive basic training and get ability to solve practical problems and engage in related work.

3. Knowledge and Ability

1) Master the basic theories and knowledge of electricity and computer technology;

2) With solid foundation of theory of electronic information;

3) Master the modern chip technology, and has strong practical ability;

4) Understand the development of electronic and computer engineering program;

5) Understand the scientific frontier of electronic and computer engineering program;

6) With the ability to search and collect information.

4. Practical Teaching

Course practice and graduation thesis

5. Employment Prospects

Graduates can go into high technology enterprises engaged in scientific research and development and technical management work in the field of post and telecommunications, communications, finance, electric power department and electronic information and computer application; be engaged in teaching and scientific research in Institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions; be engaged in maintenance and management work of electronic information systems in many areas of government agencies and the national economy.


2024 Admission is opening !

Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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