Engineering Degree Program in China - Railway Engineering Technology

1 . Introduction

Railway Engineering Technology program trains senior talents who can master the skills of high speed railway line engineering, and get engaged in the construction and maintenance of high speed line, bridge and tunnel engineering. After graduation, the students mainly work in the department of railway and high speed railway construction, supervision, maintenance and operation and management. And they can get engaged in the construction, supervision, quality inspection, management in the field of railway, transportation and civil engineering. Its research directions include railway engineering construction and railway engineering work.
2. Training Objectives
To train senior technical talents who can get engaged in railway survey and design and railway construction; 
To train senior technical talents who can get engaged in the construction, maintenance,  and the repair of railway structures;
To train senior technical talents who can master the basic knowledge and skill of urban rail transit engineering and get engaged in the design, construction, supervision and maintenance of urban rail transit engineering
3. Knowledge and Ability
To understand the construction and organization of railway engineering project, and the maintenance, repair and construction of the railway structure;
To master the skills of design, construction, supervision and maintenance of urban rail transit infrastructure; 
4. Main Courses
Engineering drawing, engineering survey, railway lines, railway bridge, railway tunnel, the design and budget of construction organization, high-speed railway, new track structure, construction business management, engineering survey practice, railway bridge and culvert, tunnel scene practice, design of the construction and organization of engineering project practice, comprehensive graduate training
5. Employment Prospects
The graduates can work in the department of railway line, bridge, tunnel and high speed railway survey and design, and engineering construction; and the design, construction, supervision and maintenance department of urban rail transit.

2024 Admission is opening !

Anhui Medical University

Wenzhou Medical University

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